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Results for "KIMURA, Fukunari "

  • KIMURA, Fukunari

    Political and Economic Cooperation in the Asia Pacific Region

    Research Projects

    Research Project » 2022FiscalYear

    AUTHOR : 
    KIMURA, Fukunari


    Research leader:

    Fukunari KIMURA, Professor, Keio University & Chief Economist, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA)


    Research outline:

    Taking into account the changes in the international trade system caused by the Ukraine crisis, the U.S. mid-term election, and the National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, among other factors, we analyze various aspects of the future of the free trade system. The China-U.S. trade war and the rapid progression of the digital economy have considerable impact on multinational firms, and the situation is evolving rapidly. In view of these developments, we conduct forum-style workshops to provide businesses with the latest information.

  • KIMURA, Fukunari

    Economic integration in Asia: Outlook and challenges

    Research Projects

    Research Project » 2021FiscalYear » Asia-Pacific

    AUTHOR : 
    KIMURA, Fukunari


    Research leader:

    Fukunari KIMURA, Professor, Keio University & Chief Economist, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA)


    Research outline:

    Our goal is to provide a platform for discussion on the future of the free trade system in light of the ever-changing international environment caused by circumstances such as the COVID-19 pandemic. As the U.S.-China trade war, progress in the digital economy, and other aspects that have a strong impact on the overseas business development of multinational corporations are evolving at a rapid pace, our symposium also takes into account the latest information relevant for business activities.